Songs Without Words/Towards Tomorrow lyrics the lyrics of the ‘songs with words’ ‘side’ of Dean’s first album release in 25 years!


Samhain is not Halloween Dean’s short essay on the dating of the Quarter Days of the Wheel of the Year (Samhain, Imbolc, Beltain, and Lughnasadh) which should fall on appx the 4th-6th of their respective months yet are celebrated for convenience on the 1st/2nd.

Samhain is not Halloween

CFS and Pure Sound

Dean’s experience of CFS, and how Pure Sound can help, plus any other recommendations for managing the condition.

The Cosmic Scale: The Esoteric Science of Sound Chapter 1 The first chapter of Dean’s exhaustive book on Pure Sound and The Overtone Scale, a perfect introduction to the subject and our work.

Limitless Undying Love: The Beatles and the Perennial Philosophy.

Dean’s study of the Beatles’ lyrics and their spiritual message.


In Place A poem cycle celebrating the spirit of place: every piece was written at each location described.

In Place

A Year By The Lake poem cycle celebrating the cycle of the seasons as observed in one location-Sherborne Lake.

A Year By The Lake

Clouds Spiritual poetry cycle, some of Dean’s earliest spiritual poetry.


Poetry of the Spirit
The source of inspiration, the links between meditation and creativity: as embodied in the work of our native Bards and poets, from Merlin and Taliesin to the Romantics and DH Lawrence.

Maria Magdala Sophia

Dean’s study of the Synoptic and ‘Gnostic’ Gospels from which a picture emerges of the Magdalen as not only spouse of Christ but chief disciple.

Maria Magdala Sophia

Introduction to Gematria
Gematria is the assignation of numerical values to words and letters.
Gematria, Intervals, The Tetragrammaton, The Christ Name.