
Welcome to Centre for Pure Sound where we offer regular Divine Union Soundbaths – journeying to the healing, re-balancing effect of the Therapeutic Pure Sounds of crystal and Tibetan singing bowls- and our Angels of Sound toning and overtoning Sound Healing Trainings.  

Divine Union Soundbaths
See our Events page and for bookings contact Dean 01935 389655 or email us through our Contact page.
Last minute bookings on the day please use mobile number 07798530515. Doors close at 2pm (8pm in Glastonbury/) once the Therapeutic Pure Sound session has started.

Every Centre for Pure Sound Soundbath is a unique event, a vibratory healing Pure Sound Mandala, offered not only for all those physically present  but with its sonic light dedicated for the benefit all sentient beings and mentally and energetically broadcast out to all. If you can’t actually be physically present at an event, perhaps it would be a good time to just ‘tune in’ wherever you are, perhaps also working with your Chakra Tones CD in your key if you have one, or our Divine Union Soundbath CD…both now available as a digital download direct to your device: DUPDDwnld) we  know now that on the Quantum Level there is what Einstein acknowledged as ‘spooky action at a distance’ and so the beaming of healing sound energy beyond the confines of physical space-time is not mere wishful thinking.

We also offer soundbaths for groups within a reasonable travelling distance-contact me for details.

Dean also offers 121 session treatments both live and via Zoom. 121 work involves finding and using the bowls in the client’s own personal Key. Details: One-to-One sessions


You can read an interview with Dean on the background, theory, application and  benefits of our Pure Sound work by  Mystic Mag via clicking the link below

An  older interview with Dean covering Pure Sound and the Overtone Scale on You Tube via the Awakening Channel, plus two excepts from the Soundbath, via the links below:


Tibetan Bowls

Crystal Bowls

Click on the  link below  for the very beginning of our Divine Union Soundbath..a taster…


A more recent interview with Karen Hamilton-Viall:

Further clips including group overtoning from Glastonbury Abbey further down the page.


Angels of Sound/Sound Healing Trainings: program for this year’s events below:


soundpic.jpgGarland of the Angels of Sound

White Tara work.

It was through the intercession of the Divine Being we know as Tara/Kwan Yin that I first entered onto the healing and spiritual path, so we also provide in conjunction with Anna Howard White Tara 2:1 Healings combining a ‘bespoke’ soundbath in the client’s Key plus Anna’s White Tara healing, see under ‘events’, and Anna’ website:   www.white-tara.co.uk

White Tara
Check out our Publications Page for our free downloads including the newly added Limitless Undying Love: The Beatles and the Perennial Philosophy. lulblurb
Rozzy’s Emotional Baggage Release work  (for humans and pets): baggagepdf



Pasted below a link to the You Tube vid of the new Dean Carter album, all of songs with words this time, OUT OF THE LOOP, available via digital platforms. The CD version from us non-robots @£12 + £2.50 p+p, bacs details : a/c no 16123990, sort code 09-01-26,  cheque payable to D. Carter, 8 Dairy Flats, Sherborne, Dorset DT9 4AQ. email ahiahel@ live.com so I can send it to the right address.  Another cover shot by dear Rozzy from Cerne Well.



 SONGS WITHOUT WORDS VOLUME II, the all-instrumental follow-up to SONGS WTHOUT WORDS/TOWARDS TOMORROW has now been released on all major digital platforms

The CD version from us non-robots @£12 + £2.50 p+p, bacs details : a/c no 16123990, sort code 09-01-26,  cheque payable to D. Carter, 8 Dairy Flats, Sherborne, Dorset DT9 4AQ. email ahiahel@ live.com so I can send it to the right address.

‘an immersive and unique listening experience…a refuge for the soul in a world overwhelmed by words and noise, providing solace, healing, and space for personal reflection…a transformative musical odyssey’.–Indie Suburban


Dive into the spellbinding world of ‘Songs Without Words Vol II’, where the mesmerizing tunes and stirring compositions of virtuoso musician, Dean Carter, effortlessly resonate with your soul. This sensational album transcends linguistic barriers through its instrumental prowess, taking you on a captivating melodic adventure. Unveiled on Midsummer’s Day, this auditory delight showcases Carter’s unparalleled gift for creating bewitching soundscapes. With a rich tapestry of folk arrangements, evocative guitar patterns, and unforgettable riffs, each song is a masterpiece in itself.–‘Testing Melodies’ full review: https://www.testingmelodies.com/post/sonorous-whispers-dean-carter-s-musical-tale-songs-without-words-vol-ii

...a relaxing and placating piece of instrumental folk that’s a deeply immersive and cathartic experience. It’s soothing and mesmerising, purely off the back of an acoustic guitar that’s able to convey so much emotional weight through so little. Deeply personal and immensely intimate, the sheer expressiveness of songs like “Hyacinth” and “Mabon Dawn” are so innately supple with their weight and vigour but so strong and resonating for their emotional core and clarity. Anyone with even the slightest affection for the acoustic guitar is bound to find so much on this record.Find No Enemy

Interview with ‘Lost In The Manor‘ magazine:  https://www.lostinthemanor.co.uk/blog/2023/8/22/interview-dean-carter-songs-without-words-vol-2

Review in No Transmission magazine
 Interview  and live performances of 4 of the tracks on Susan’ Boyce’s Abbey FM ‘Ramblings and Music’ show: https://player.autopod.xyz/365475 (from -00:45:52)
Another option: on You Tube tap in Dean Carter-topic, then the ikon with the cover image above, you will then be given ikons of cover images for both albums to play. Once on the tracks are in order and can be played continuously or even looped.
 Please see the events page for any upcoming live appearances.

As a ‘normal’ musician you might say I’m an ambient-acoustic guitarist-singer-songwriter in a way that complements the sound healing work: the album SONGS WITHOUT WORDS/TOWARDS TOMORROW was released in 2022: out on digital platforms via the links below, or the CD version can be obtained from us @ £12 + £2.50 p+p bacs payment to a/c no 16123990, sort code 09-01-26. Cheques payable to D. Carter 8 Dairy Flats Sherborne Dorset DT9 4AQ.

A magnificent album, compositions of this level are a sign of genius in the making–Illustrate Magazine

The long awaited return of a celebrated musician who is back at the top of his game–Plastic Magazine

Dean Carter has brought to life an album with the elegance of a master singer-songwriter. Balancing acts of instrumental virtuosic ability along with cutting, sharp lyricism–Sinusoidal Music


Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/album/2meWhvEjpyYPbri4vtuf0H?si=ElWaLfSRRCWsNMvTOPsphA

Itunes: https://music.apple.com/gb/album/songs-without-words-towards-tomorrow/1644235004

Amazon: https://amazon.co.uk/music/player/albums/B0BDRSJKLW?marketplaceId=A1F83G8C2ARO7P&musicTerritory=GB&ref=dm_sh_2tXw8Nv6454QPoEFAlclOubEl

Press release for the album: Dean Carter’s Press Release
Liner notes for the album: Liner notes
Lyrics: SWWlyrics


  • Sinusoidal Music,

Facebook: 1.5K followers, Instagram: 2,146 followers – https://sinusoidalmusic.com/2022/11/23/dean-carter-songs-without-words-towards-tomorrow/

  • TJPL News

Facebook: 87 followers, Instagram: 5,039 followers –https://www.tjplnews.com/post/dean-carter-songs-without-words—towards-tomorrow-album-review

  • Illustrate Magazine 

Facebook: 5.2K followers, Instagram: 31.2K followers – https://illustratemagazine.com/song-without-words-towards-tomorrow-by-dean-carter-review/

  • Plastic Magazine

Facebook: 2.4K followers, Instagram: 2,386 followers – https://plasticmag.co.uk/2023/01/16/dean-carter-returns-with-new-album/

To see/hear a live version of ‘Sea of Tranquillity’  from the album   performed at the David Hall in South Petherton, Somerset, copy and paste the following link:
Another track from n the new album: ‘One August’, a musical portrait of Cadbury Castle:
The first new Dean Carter song for approx 20 years, also on the album, here:
Also for your delectation, my performance of the George Harrison song ‘Within You Without You’ from a few years back at the David Hall, South Petherton.
This one’s my rendition of John Lennon’s ‘Oh My Love’ from the Imagine album



Group Overtoning video in The Abbot’s Kitchen,












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The statements on this website  are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent diseases. Nothing on this website is intended to diagnose, treat or cure any physical or medical conditions. If you have a physical or medical condition, you should seek the advice of your medical professional immediately.